Heavy Duty Liquid Lanolin, better known as “HD” is extremely versatile and efficient, produced from a renewable source (sheep’s wool). It is also a major contributor to the reduction of petrochemical consumables and maintenance costs whilst addressing Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) issues.
It contains an evaporative carrier used to liquefy the lanolin grease for ease of application and penetration. The carrier evaporates in approximately one hour at ambient temperature, leaving behind a microfilm (natural wax) of lanolin for corrosion protection and lubrication.
“HD” has penetration qualities whilst remaining as a barrier on the surface of the material being protected. The Lanolin is self-healing in nature by forming a natural bond with itself. If there is a separation by way of a scratch, the Lanolin will reform to re-establish the barrier to continue the protection.
“HD” is an Industrial Grade Corrosion Inhibitor, formulated to protect plant, equipment, structures and vehicles. “HD” is acid, salt, and moisture resistant and also resists high pressure wash-off, whilst not being detrimental to the environment.
- Lubricates and protects high-speed and load-bearing chains (non-fling and non-webbing), wire ropes, slings and pulling cables.
- Protects all electrical equipment on machinery, including battery terminals, boxes and connectors.
- Provides long lasting lubrication of moving parts in highly corrosive environments
- Sprays on as anti-seize.
Ideal for the following industries:
- Agribusiness
- Construction
- Electrical
- Marine
- Industrial
- Mining
- Oil & Gas
- Transport & Automation
- Biodegradable
- Non-Toxic
- Resistant to wash off
- Non-flammable
- Acid & salt resistant
- Hermetically seals surfaces
- Non-conductive to 70kV